The girls had their dance recital last weekend. It was a little crazy trying to figure out the scheduling - Miss S. is in Jazz and ballet, so she was in all 4 shows this year! She did such a great job and loved every minute of it. We have really enjoyed watching her progress and seeing the difference between this year and last. It is amazing! She has become quite the dancer. She surprised us and told us she likes ballet more than jazz & tap. It is usually the other way around, ballet is much more serious. She loved her ballet routine this year, she danced to the love theme from Star Wars. She said next year she wants to try hip-hop, we'll see! We are so proud of her!
Miss H. just started her dance class in January and picked it up so quick. We weren't surprised though, she dances everywhere. She looked so cute up on the stage! Her routine was to James Taylor's "How sweet it is" and it was! (so sweet.) She did a great job and is so happy to dance. She was the best little dancer there!
The highlight for Miss S. was meeting and talking with her favorite "rock star" (her words!), Dominic "D-Trix" Sandoval. He is a former student at her dance studio and has gone on to do well on "So you think you can dance" and his dance group Quest won this last seasons show "America's best Dance Crew." He is an incredible dancer, we love watching him. He was nice to the girls, especially since they kept staring, screaming, waving and trying to pictures every time he walked by.

Here they are in their costumes just after the first show on Friday night. One of the best things about the recitals - they get to finally wear makeup!

Me and Miss S. after her Jazz performance on Saturday night. She is getting so big.

Here is Miss S. with her BFF and D-Trix. You can see how happy she is with her favorite dancer!

Miss H. waiting to get ready for her Saturday night performance.

I cant help it, but I get teary eyed every time they get on stage. They are so cute together.

Here they are with Dad after the Saturday night performance.

And Grandma and Grandpa!

Me and Miss H. right before she went on stage.

Dominic was trying to be nice and take a picture with Miss H. She refused. I thought maybe if I went with her - nope. She is actually trying to escape my arms.