Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess H!

My baby is 3 today! This is what she woke up to - a new princess chair with all the trimmings. She is in heaven!

I cant explain how much I love this little girl. She makes me so happy everyday. She is sweet, funny, smart, kind, creative, beautiful and good. I wish I could freeze her in time and keep her this way forever. She is so fun for me, always happy and ready to go and "do stuff." I am so blessed to be her mom.


Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

Happy birthday sweet princess! May you receive lots of pink cupcakes to eat in that chair.

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday H! That is a beautiful princess chair & crown for a beautiful birthday girl!!!

Brad and Julianne Heaps said...

Happy Birthday H! Hope you have a special day.

Lisa said...

So sweet!! Happy 3rd birthday!!! Yes, they grow up way too fast!

Raimi said...

Oh she is so stinkin' cute! I love to see her trapsing(sp?) around the ball fields in her tu-tu, Princess shirt. sparkly sandals & ribbons in her hair. She is a Princess. The best part is that she is usually digging in the dirt. I love it! She is so much fun. Happy Birthday H!

Heidi said...

Darling little girl! I just can't believe how fast time has flown. It seems like I just saw you when S. was this age . . .

The Ludlow Family said...

It's the Ludlow's! I found your blog on Keri Dalebout's blog. Your family is so cute. We should get together soon and catch up. Our blog is

. said...

she is a true princess, that is is the girliest girly birthday ever!
what have you been up to latley? hows photography? drop me a line!!